
貝加爾湖:和平之湖 - Baikal Lake, Olkhon Island & Listvyanka

《西伯利亞 2016羅斯3》
265 days Asia Journey

Lake Baikal!
The lake of beauty, the lake of silence, the lake of greatness.
Lake Baikal!
The world’s deepest lake, Russia’s deepest pride.
Lake Baikal!
All-fulfilling within, all-inspiring without.
With tears of joy
We dedicate you to the golden goal of a oneness-world.
With tears of hope,
We pray that the sea of peace you eternally are
Will sleeplessly enter into every human heart.
Outwardly you bless us with abundance
In measureless measure.
Inwardly you are our Inner Pilot’s
Own choicest treasure

- by Peace Blossoms

Khuzhir (Lake Baikal), Irkutsk Oblast
日暮時光, 美麗的貝加爾湖湖畔

Traveled in Olkhon Island (Lake Baikal), Irkutsk Oblast, Russia
29th July ~ 1st August 2016

