
印尼 西巴亞克火山 - Berastagi, North Sumatra, Indonesia

《東南亞 2016 - 印尼4》
265 days Asia Journey

In terms of effort and enjoyment, the hike to the top of the volcano of Sibayak西巴亞克火山should be top on the list. This is a “super friendly trail” and there is no need to hire a guide.

The ascend was supposed to be 3 hours. After the first hour, a car gave us a ride. They were Fikri, Rafika, Mutio, and Sicilia from University of Sumatera Utara, Medan(棉蘭).

The view on the top was rewarding !!! (2094 m).

This is a place full of ‘chi ()’ energy flow and eternal forces: the active volcanic chimneys, the strong smell of sulphur, noise of smoke and wind, hikers ....

西巴亞克火山(海拔2094 m),位於印尼蘇門答臘中部,登頂以最簡單的路線只需34小時,清楚看到900m的火山口,地上的噴氣孔隨處可見,很多霧出充满硫磺味白色濃煙,西巴亞克火山上次爆發已是1881年的事了

Traveled in Berastagi of North Sumatra, Indonesia
10th ~ 12th June 2016

