《非洲 2018-塞內加爾 3》
Hong Kong to Africa overland
“Placed here in memory of the millions of African who
died on the way to Gorée, here in its dungeons, and on the way to the Americas. We
remember the descendants of those most strong who survived. Share the
knowledge, spread the history, and live the dream of
freedom.” - 塞內加爾黑奴囚屋博物館門口紀念碑文。
格雷島〈Gorée Island〉,位於塞內加爾首都達喀爾〈Dakar〉港口東南面2公里,港口每日有數班渡輪往來這個大西洋小島,仿似香港中環 ~ 離島碼頭般熱鬧,很短的航程,在舒適的遊覽船上,來自世界各地不同種族的遊客與非洲人並肩而坐。